Shift Detail Report Line-Item Descriptions

The following table describes the Shift Detail report section headings and line-items. The table is comprehensive and not every Shift Detail Report includes all the items described in the table. For example, if there were no fuel sales to show in your report, then the Fuel Sales heading does not appear. 

Line-Item Name


Profit Center

A Profit Center name will appear on the left above the section breakdown. The breakdown of each Profit Center will be itemized based on how the PLUs were setup for the particular Profit Center, i.e. breakdown may include Base, Extra, Discount, Other, etc.Anything not sold during the shift(s) being viewed will not appear. In each category, the units sold will be broken down by PLU, the name of the item or service, the total number sold (Quantity), the cost of the individual service (Price), and the total dollar value of the quantity sold (Amount).


Base includes all PLUs defined in the Sales Items tab as a ‘Base’ item in the Type box. Base items will always appear first. Base may be the only category listed in the Profit Center unless there are types, such as discounts or promotions, defined within that profit center.


Extra includes all PLUs defined in the Sales Items tab as an 'Extra' item in the Type box.


Discount includes all PLUs defined in the Sales Items tab as a ' Discount ' item in the Type box.


Other includes all PLUs defined in the Sales Items tab as an 'Other' item in the Type box. These are PLUs that are unique and don’t fall into the typical categories listed above. They may also be configured to accept variable pricing.


Miscellaneous includes all PLUs defined in the Sales Items tab as a ' Miscellaneous ' item in the Type box.These are PLUs that are unique and don't fall into the typical categories listed above. They may also be configured to accept variable pricing and offer the ability to change the name at the time of purchase.

Net Sales Without Sales Tax:

Wash or Account (Profit Center) Name

Main headings indicate the specific Profit Center sales information that is being viewed. Each subcategory will display the type of service (Base, Extra, etc.), PLU number, name, along with the combined quantity, individual service price, and the total Amount (quantity multiplied by individual price) which displays the total revenue for each PLU.

For example, in the displayed Shift Detail Report, the following are the Profit Centers show in the report: Express, Hand Services, and Club.

Net Sales Without Sales Tax

This is the total amount of all sales transactions in all profit centers before any Sales Tax is applied.

Total Sales in all profit centers prior to tax.

NOTE: Gift Cards sold are not a Sale but a liability. This is why they are not shown in the Services section of the report.

Sales Tax: This is to account for the amount of money that will be collected as Sales Tax revenue, received from applying specified tax rates to specific Sales Items. This works with the configuration of Sales Items to determine if they are nontaxable, subject to a single tax, or subject to multiple taxes. Please see ‘Sales Tax’ configuration to learn how to setup the tax tree structure and assign sites at the required tax rates.

Sales @ NonTaxable

This entry will include all sales in all profit centers from PLUs setup as Never Taxable. The amount reflects the sum on the nontaxable items sold in the selected shifts.

Sales @ User Defined Tax Rate 1(Example - PA Department of Revenue tax rate)

This entry will include all sales in all profit centers from PLUs setup as Always, and possibly Conditional or Force Taxable. It includes all purchased Sales Items that will apply this user defined Tax Rate.

For example, if rate 1 is 6% (the PA Department of Revenue tax rate), and sales are $1000.00, then Taxes at Rate 1 is $60.00.

Sales @ User Defined Tax Rate 2

This entry will include all sales in all profit centers from PLUs setup as Always, and possibly Conditional or Force Taxable. It includes all purchased Sales Items that will apply this user defined Tax Rate.

Total Sales

The total dollars of revenue for all sales including tax received from all profit centers within the selected shifts.

Total Income: This section will adjust the Total Sales number by including the following types of additional sources of income:

Gift Card Sold

This entry includes the total adjusted value of gift cards sold during the selected shifts. This uses the total value of gift cards sold minus any Gift Card Free value to create the adjusted total. This total is added to the amount of Total Income.

Fund raiser

This entry includes the total value of Fund Raiser sales sold during the selected shifts. This total is added to the amount of Total Income.


This entry includes the total amount received as payment on an account (For example: fleet). This total is added to the amount of Total Income.

Gift Card Free

This entry includes the dollar amount equal to the free percent or amount given to the purchaser when buying the gift card or when a customer adds value to a gift card. This value will be represented as a negative amount and will reduce the overall amount of the Gift Card Sales.

Gift Card Issued


This entry includes the dollar amount of all Gift Card purchases or the value added to an existing Gift Card.

Total Income

This entry includes the total dollars of revenue for all sales made from all profit centers during the selected shifts including all Prepay and Post Pay Sales that have been paid for in the date range. This adds the Total Sales section to additional revenue streams such as Gift Cards, Fund Raisers, and ROA transactions.

Total Non-Cash Reconciliation - This section will sum up all non-cash payments to determine what amount of revenue is tied to payments other than cash.

Total Credit Cards

This entry includes the total number and total dollar amount of all sales identified as being processed with a Credit Card during the selected shift(s). The Credit Card totals will be broken down and listed by credit card type, i.e. Visa, MasterCard, etc. All of the individual credit card types will be summed and displayed in the Total Credit Cards line. The total from these entries will be subtracted from the amount of Total Income to help tie out the cash sales.

Debit Card

This entry includes the number and total dollar value of all sales identified as being processed with a Debit Card during the selected shift(s). The total from this entry will be subtracted from the amount of Total Income to help tie out the cash sales.

Fuel Sales

This entry includes the total dollar amount of wash services purchased at a fuel pump during the selected shifts. The total from this entry will be subtracted from the amount of Total Income to help tie out the cash sales.


This entry includes the number and total dollar value of sales that were charged to Fleet Account customers during the selected shift(s). The total from this entry will be subtracted from the amount of Total Income to help tie out the cash sales.

Gift Cards Redeemed

This entry includes the number and total dollar value of all sales that were paid by redeeming an existing Gift Card during the selected shift(s). The total from this entry will be subtracted from the amount of Total Income to help tie out the cash sales.

Tokens Redeemed

This entry includes the number and dollar value of the tokens used toward payment of wash services during the selected shift(s). The total from this entry will be subtracted from the amount of Total Income to help tie out the cash sales.

External POS Sales


This entry includes the total dollar amount of wash services purchased at an External POS that communicates with us to generate wash sales during the selected shifts. The total from this entry will be subtracted from the amount of Total Income to help tie out the cash sales.

Total Non-Cash

This entry includes the combined amount of non-cash sales during the selected shift(s). This total adds up all sales completed by credit cards, debit cards, fuel sales, Fleet accounts, gift cards, tokens, and External POS sales. This total will be subtracted from the amount of Total Income to help tie out the cash sales

Cash Reconciliation - This section will sum up all cash payments to determine what amount of revenue is tied to cash payments.

Cash To Account For: This section will sum up all of the cash sources to determine the total amount of cash that is available in the selected shifts. This amount of cash is determined by including the following cash sources: Beginning Bank, Adds, Refunds Due, Cash and Checks from Operations.

Beginning Bank

This entry includes the beginning amount of cash available in each device at the opening of its shift. This entry will sum up all the Beginning Bank entries for each device included in the selected shifts.


This entry includes all amounts where an Add function was done to add money into a device. This is the sum of all Add functions completed on every device that has a corresponding shift selected for this report. This entry can be expanded to show the total number and total amount of all ‘adds’ done for a specific device. This can be verified by reviewing the Cash Management Operation Report for the Adds to count the total number of transactions and confirm the total amount.

Refunds Due

This entry includes the amount of cash that should have been paid out as change from an Auto Sentry, but was unable to be refunded because the machine was out of money or it didn’t support the required denominations. This amount is expected to be paid out from a POS at some time. The Refund Due amount does not carry over to the next day. Refunds that are not paid out during the same shift will cause an overage that will be included in the total cash amount for the day and be included in the Beginning Bank.

Checks from Operations

This entry includes the number and total dollar amount of all checks used as payment for transactions during the selected shifts. Checks are treated as Cash.

Cash from Operations

This entry includes the total dollar amount of cash used as payment for transactions during the selected shifts.

Cash Accounted For: This section will sum up all of the cash operations that will remove money from the devices, and determine the total amount of cash that was available in the selected shift(s). It considers all Payouts, Removes, Bank Deposits, Edits, and Ending Banks.


This entry includes the number and total dollar amount of all cash that was paid outs during the selected shifts. This entry is expandable to view the individual payout transactions.


This entry includes all amounts where a Remove function was done to remove money from a device. This is the sum of all Remove functions completed on every device that has a corresponding shift selected for this report. This entry can be expanded to show the total number and total amount of all ‘Removes’ done for a specific device. This can be verified by reviewing the Cash Management Operation Report for the Removes to count the total number of transactions and confirm the total amount.

Bank Deposits (Checks)

This entry includes the total number and dollar amount of checks being taken from the system and sent to the Bank for Deposit. Checks are treated as Cash so Checks deposited to the Bank will be deducted from your total Cash on Hand.

Bank Deposits (Cash)

This entry includes the total dollar amount of cash being taken from the system and sent to the Bank for Deposit. Cash deposited to the Bank will be deducted from your total Cash on Hand.

Total Bank Deposits

This entry includes the total number and amount of all deposits taken to the bank. It is the sum of the total Bank Deposits for Cash and Check.

Dispenser Edits

This entry includes all dollar amount changes created during completed edits for the Auto Sentry bill dispenser or coin hopper. Each edit references a cash management journal number and will reflect a positive or negative change in the Auto Sentry cash totals. This entry will also display modifications to the edits if necessary. (For example, re-verifying and already verified entry).

Ending Bank (-)

Ending Bank is the cash remaining in the devices at the end of the shift after any removes or deposits. This entry will include a sum of all devices associated to the selected shifts.


The display entry will be determined by a comparison of what revenue the software says you should have based on recorded transactions, and what you actually count as physical Cash on Hand from transactions and your Ending Banks. The result of the comparison will be what is displayed on the Shift Detail report.

Over means the devices ended the shift with extra money than what was recorded by the software at the shift’s close.

Under means the devices ended the shift with less money than what was recorded by the software at the shift’s close.

Even means the devices ended the shift with the exact money that was recorded by the software at the shift’s close.


This entry will include the dollar amount associated with journal entries that are not verified. There is also an expandable entry called ‘Unverified Journal Entries Exist’. Expanding this will display a list of those journals that are currently unverified.

Voided Transactions

This entry displays the number of transactions and the total dollar amount of those transactions that were voided for the selected shift(s). This is informational because those transactions do not appear in any other part of the Shift report and are not used in the calculations.

Edited Transactions – Only can occur if site is using a Tunnel Master

This entry displays the number of transactions and the total dollar value of all transactions that have been edited for the selected shift(s). These transactions could have been edited while the shift was open or after it was closed. When transactions are edited after a shift has been closed it will be necessary to reprint the Shift Detail report to see the updated entry for Edited Transactions. You can only Edit a Transaction within Tunnel Master.

Retired Transactions -Only can occur if site is using a Tunnel Master

This entry displays the number of transactions and the total dollar value of all transactions that have been retired for the selected shift(s). These transactions could have been retired while the shift was open or after it was closed. When transactions are edited after a shift has been closed it will be necessary to reprint the Shift Detail report to see the updated entry for Retired Transactions. You can only Retire a Transaction within Tunnel Master.

Edited Customer Promotions

If any employee manually changes a customer’s bonus points, punch card, or prepaid fleet balance, it will appear on the bottom of the Shift Detail Report under the expandable title named Edited Customer Promotions. This is informational to track any changes to customer promotions that were modified manually. It will also include the reason and the name of the employee who made the modification.





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