Individual sites determine if they want to keep track of rewash or free washes.
The following settings will turn off the required fields to enter customer data during a rewash, free wash, refund, or using a club customer. Contact Technical Support to set up tracking. Please contact a Technical Support Representative.
The following is just for reference:
- On the System Setup menu, click Devices.
- Click to select Settings.
- In the Device Type box, select POS.
- In the Device Name box, select the device.
- In the Settings Type box, select TouchPOSConfiguration.
- In the Settings box, select Prompt Settings.
- Set up the Prompt Settings as follows:
The following settings disable the prompt to enter customer information such as phone number and reason for free wash,
re-wash, refunds and clubs:
FreewashCustomerInformationPrompt = False
RewashCustomerInformationPrompt = False
RefundsCustomerInformationPrompt = False
ClubCustomerInformationPrompt = False
NOTE: True enables the setting.