Terminate Customer

A User can terminate a customer from the Manage Customers menu if the customer will not be returning to the wash again.
All customers and vehicles can be terminated from this menu, including Fleet Customers. A club membership is based on the customer's vehicle, and therefore the customer record does not need to be terminated to terminate the club.

NOTE: Do not use Terminate Customer if a customer wants to temporarily suspend their club, and then at some point in the future, return to use it. Instead, use Suspend Customer.  

Follow these steps to Terminate a customer:

IMPORTANT: When terminating a customer, any credit card recurring ID will be cleared at both the current location and Corporate. Even though terminated, a club is still valid until the expiration date.

NOTE: You cannot remove the Customer record permanently from the Customer List. Users with Manage privileges can view terminated customers by selecting the status of Terminated and searching for a terminated customer.

  1. On the Customers menu, select Manage Customers.

  1. Search for a customer.
  2. From the Customer list, click to select the customer.

The customer record is highlighted.

  1. Click the Terminate Customer button.

NOTE: The following screen appears if the customer has vehicles in the system. 

  1. Select the Customer check box to terminate the customer and all associated vehicles -or- select individual vehicle check boxes to terminate those specific vehicles.
  2. Click the Terminate button -or- click Close to cancel out.    
  3. The message "Are you sure you want to terminate the selected vehicle(s)?" appears, select Yes.
  4. The message "Vehicle(s) terminated successfully" appears, click OK.


 The Customer is saved and the vehicle's status is terminated.

NOTE: The Customer record cannot be permanently removed from the Customer List. Users with manage privileges can view terminated customers by selecting the status of Terminated and searching for a terminated customer.

NOTE: For security purposes, WashConnect® does not store credit card data but stores a credit card recurring ID that the credit card processor uses to access the credit card data at TransFirst® or APAY®.

IMPORTANT: When terminating a customer, any credit card recurring ID's will be cleared at both the current location and at Corporate. Even though terminated, a club is still valid until the expiration date.

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