Fund Raiser - Quick Start

There are a few ways to set up fund raisers. With the fund raiser outlined below, individuals can sell unique wash codes to patrons. For the individual sellers to get credit for their sales, someone in charge of the fund raiser will have to track the individual sales of each participant outside of our system. We will track the total sales made through the fund raiser effort, however, we will not track who sold the individual codes. The sale of individual wash codes, the group may need to create or print some type of cards or labels that display the wash code number and possibly a barcode.

NOTE: Barcodes will require the car wash equipment to have barcode readers.

  1. Choose the Base Wash service that will be delivered for the fund raiser.  You can create a new service or use an existing Base Wash service from the Express profit center for the fund raiser. (i.e., You may choose an existing Base Wash that is $6.60 but always taxable for a wash total of $7.)
  2. Next you must determine how much money you want to give to the fund raiser every time you sell the selected wash.  In this example, we will choose half of the proceeds.  We must now create a discount PLU in the Express profit center that will reduce the price by half.  From Sales Items, set up a PLU as a discount for the base wash. You may choose to name it so the fund raiser is reflected in the name.  Use the negative amount (base wash less tax). i.e., -$3.30 if you are donating half of the $7.00 wash including 6% tax.  If exporting to accounting software, select a general ledger payable Account ID for this service.
  3. Now you will need to setup up a Fundraiser  PLU in WashConnect® that will be in the Fund Raiser profit Center and is equal to the discount (plus tax, if applicable.  Remember that fund raiser services would typically not be taxable so, i.e., $3.50 if you donate half the $7.00 including tax. This amount will be the proceeds for the Fund raiser. If exporting to accounting software, select a predetermined General Ledger Account ID for this service.
  4. It is time to combine these three services into a single package that will be purchased as the fund raiser.  Set up a package from the Express Profit Center. The package includes the base PLU (step 1), the base wash discount PLU (step 2), and the fund raiser PLU (step 3).  Make certain the package price calculated is equal to the initial price of the base wash.
  5. Set up a Fleet fund raiser account so that you can generate paid tickets and have some time to create the wash code cards for the fund raiser.  By charging them to a fleet account, the fund raiser leader can return at a later date to purchase these marketing wash code cards.
  6. To create the fund raiser codes, perform a Ticket Generation for Paid Tickets at POS Site Level, choosing the previously created Package PLU generate 5-digit wash codes. Use the previously created Fleet Account as payment for this fund raiser, so the codes can be paid for after the marketing pieces are printed. These codes can be entered by customers at Auto Sentry or POS to redeem their pre-paid fund raiser wash.
  7. The Ticket Generation function will create random and unique wash codes that can be printed on card stock. Protect these numbers from theft by placing scratch off stickers on top of the numbers.
    NOTE: Contact ICS Technical Support if you would like our Marketing department to print wash codes with barcodes (barcode reader is required) on labels or card stock (additional fees apply).
  8. Fundraiser Leader can come in to car wash and purchase the wash code cards at the Touch POS. Leader will need to pay $2.66 per wash code for this example. Leader brings Tax Exempt form to keep on file at car wash. In Touch POS, select ROA, search for the Fleet fund raiser account, and enter amount to pay for wash codes and Finalize sale.

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