Add a Prepaid Fleet Account

The Prepaid Fleet Account prepays and carries a balance of funds so that each wash redeemed reduces that balance.

To set up a Prepaid Fleet Account, follow these steps:

CAUTIONWhen a Fleet Account is created, select the Fleet Type carefully. After you save the Fleet Account, you cannot change the Fleet Type from Prepaid Fleet Account to an ROA Invoiced Fleet Account or vice versa.

  1. On the Fleet menu, click to select Accounts.     

The Accounts tab appears.

  1. Click the Add Account button.

The Fleet dialog box appears.


  1. Required: In Account #, type your account number.
    Click the Account # Next ID button, the WashConnect® system automatically generates an Account ID number.
  2. Required: In the Business Name box, type the business name of the Fleet Account.
  3. In the Prepaid box, click to select.

CAUTION: When the Prepaid box is selected and dimmed, this means the Prepaid Fleet Account has been created and can no longer be changed to an ROA Invoiced Fleet Account.

NOTE: If the Prepaid box does not appear, contact ICS Technical Support so they can turn on this feature.

  1. Required: In the Rule box, select a rule name that applies to this Fleet Account.

To create a new Fleet Rule, see Add Fleet Rules.

  1. If a Fleet Account is tax exempt, make a selection:
  • Select the Exempt from all Taxes box.


  • From the Exempt From Select Taxes list, select one or more taxes that the Fleet Account is exempt from paying. Make a copy of the Fleet Account's valid Tax Exempt documentation and keep on file for the company (or individual).
  1. If the Fleet Account is going to receive a discount on sales items purchased, in Discount, type a number (dollar amount or percentage) for the Fleet Discount to be applied at the POS.
  2. In the remaining fields, type any additional information available.
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. If you receive the message "Fleet Account saved successfully", then click OK to continue.



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