Club Revenue Distribution Report Descriptions



Site ID

Site ID shows the site identification for each site in the hierarchy. You can click to expand the Site ID row.

Site Name

Name of the site.


Name of the wash club.


Quantity of wash clubs sold for the time frame.


Sales price of the wash club.

Club Revenue

It is the sum of the item price of the Club type Sales Item and the Club Profit Center.  If a Club Service is refunded, it will be subtracted from the total club revenue.
a. If the refund happened on the same day, the transaction will cancel revenue.
b. If the refund happened on a different date, then the refund will be applied only if the refund date falls within the report date range.

Extra Revenue

It is the sum of item price of sales item minus any refunds.
a. From the Hand Services profit center, it includes item type of base, extra and discount.
b. From the Express, Full Service, and Inbay Auto profit center, it includes item type of extra or discount.

Sub Total

Wash income excluding taxes. Sub Total = Qty × Price.


Taxes paid on Sub Total income.


Wash income including taxes. Total = Sub Total + Tax.

Qty Redeemed

Quantity of washes redeemed at the site.


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