Add Promo Receipt Text

NOTE: The following Frequency Promotion instructions are for Auto Sentry® customers only. If setting up Frequency Promotion for Touch POS, In-Bay, Express, or Full-Service customers, see Cascade Pricing Promotion.

After setting up the promotional packages, prepare up to 10 lines of text to print on the receipt for each corresponding promotional package.

  1. On the Configuration menu, select Frequency Promotions menu, and then select Promo Receipt Text.

The Promo Receipt Text tab appears.

  1. Click the Add button.
  2. In Receipt Name, type a name for the promotional receipt text.
  3. In Receipt Text 1, type the first line of text up to 36 characters.
  4. In Receipt Text 2, type the second line of text up to 36 characters.
  5. In Receipt Text 3, type the third line of text up to 36 characters.
  6. In Receipt Text 4, type the fourth line of text up to 36 characters.
  7. In Receipt Text 5, type the fifth line of text up to 36 characters.
  8. In Receipt Text 6, type the sixth line of text up to 36 characters.
  9. In Receipt Text 7, type the seventh line of text up to 36 characters.
  10. In Receipt Text 8, type the eighth line of text up to 36 characters.
  11. In Receipt Text 9, type the ninth line of text up to 36 characters.
  12. In Receipt Text 10, type the tenth line of text up to 36 characters.


  1. Click the Save button.


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