Fund Raiser - One code for access to Multiple Base Wash Options - Quick Start

There are many different ways to set up fund raisers in WashConnect®. In the following instructions, customers will use one fund-raiser code and be able to choose from a list of multiple fund raiser base washes. WashConnect will automatically track any of the Base washes for the specific fund raiser. An extra service screen can also offer both extra services and additional fund raiser donation amounts that can be added to your purchase.

  1. Create a zero dollar discount coupon PLU in the Express profit center.  (This is the 4-digit coupon code the customer enters by selecting the Fund Raiser button or the Enter Coupon Code button.)
  1. Create a package for each wash you want to offer for the fund raiser and include:    
  1. Create a Retail Profile for the Fund raiser:
  • Create a Retail Profile consisting of the packages defined in Step #2 and also offering any extra services you want to make available to the washes. Plus, you can add additional extra service buttons for extra flat dollar amount donations.

  1. Create a Discount Coupon Profile:

  • Create a Discount Coupon Profile: only include the discount coupon PLU (4-digit) and select the Fund Raiser Retail Profile created in Step #3 from the Rule list.  The Discount Coupon Profile will call the Fund Raiser Retail Profile for the multiple fund raiser wash packages that were created in Step #2 and entered into a profile in Step #3. 

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