Add Stock Item

From the site location, you can add a stock item.

NOTE: From Corporate Logon, you can view but not add stock items.

  1. At WashConnect logon, select local site.
  2. On the Inventory menu, select Stock Items, and then select Item.
  3. Click the Add button.

  1. In PLU, type a PLU Sales Item number.
  2. In Description, type a description for the PLU.

NOTE:  You can create duplicate PLUs for the purposes of inventorying multiple varieties of the same items such as various scents of air fresheners.

  1. In Price, type in a price for the Inventory Sales Item.
  2. In remaining fields, type any additional information available.
  3. From Assigned Vendors section, select Add Vendor button.


  1. Click the Save button.

NOTE: The Vendor list is populated at Corporate.

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