View Site Tickets Descriptions

The following descriptions are for the View Site Tickets tab.




Ticket ID

This is the ticket ID number given at creation.

Created Date

This is the date when the ticket was originally created.


Created - This is the creation of a ticket for the purpose of being used by another application later. Tickets with a status of ‘Created’ are available to be consumed by other applications.

Delete – This status is used when the sale at an External POS is voided or if the sale of Ticket Generation Paid tickets is voided. This status makes the tickets unusable.

Detail - This is a separate ticket that is generated for Detail or Hand Services. It will never include wash services from the Express. Full Service, or In-bay profit centers.

Detail Used – This is the original separate Detail ticket after its services have been received by the customer.

Expired – These tickets have not been washed before they reached their expiration period. Once expired, they will be removed from the ticket table.

Fuel - This is a ticket that was sold through a fuel device. It is also treated as a Paid ticket since the money was collected at the fuel device.

Loaded – These are tickets used to start an inbay machine and this status is used when the ticket is accepted and it has programmed the wash.

Paid – These tickets have been linked to services and have collected money. An example would be paid tickets created through Ticket Generation, tickets created through the Auto Sentry, tickets created through a POS terminal.These are currently unwashed.

Paid Not Washed – These tickets originated at a Presell/PrePOS terminal but have since been paid for at a POS, but are waiting to be washed.

Paid Washed – These are tickets that previously had a status of Paid Not Washed, but completed their wash service and cannot be used again.

Partial – This is a ticket that has purchased both Wash time and Vacuum time but has only redeemed one of the two purchases at this time.

Polish – This is a ticket that consists of only services from the Detail profit center that are defined as Polish bases or extras and are redeemable at a polish tunnel.

Presell No Wash Service – These are tickets completed at a Presell/PrePOS terminal where no money was collected and none of the services on the ticket are wash services.

Refunded – These are tickets where the transaction has been refunded.

Self Serve – This is a ticket generated at the CPT to purchase time for a TNC bay, vacuum bay, or both.

Unpaid - These tickets have been created and linked to services but no money has been collected. An example would be Unpaid tickets generated through Ticket Generation. This does not include tickets purchased through a Presell terminal because they have their own status.

Unpaid Not Washed – These tickets are exclusively created at a Presell/PrePOS terminal and are linked to services but have not received payment or been washed.

Unpaid Washed – These tickets started as Unpaid or Unpaid Not Washed but have completed their wash service without paying.

Upgrade – When a Paid ticket is entered at a POS or AS and an additional service is added, the original ticket is marked as Upgrade and the new ticket is marked as Paid. The Upgrade ticket cannot be used to redeem a wash.

Vacuum – These are tickets where the only services on the ticket are from the Vacuum Profit Center.

Vacuum Used – This is when the Vacuum Services have been used so the ticket cannot be used again.

Voided – These are tickets where the transaction has been voided.

Wash Bay – These are tickets generated through the CPT to be used to be accepted at a TNC to wash down the TNC bays as a maintenance operation.

Wash Bay Used –These are the Wash Bay tickets that have already been used at a TNC to ensure it cannot be used again.

Washed – These are tickets that previously had a status of Paid, but completed their wash service and cannot be used again.

Expiration Date

This is the expiration date for the Ticket ID number.

NOTE: This date cannot be adjusted or modified.





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