Vehicle Statistical Performance Report Descriptions

The following table describes each label in the Vehicle Statistical Performance Report (VSPR).



Site Selection Tree

This column is frozen. The row headers will scroll to the left as you navigate across the report. From this column, an expand/contract button  indicates with a plus that the section can be expanded to reveal more details of the data; a minus sign indicates that section can be collapsed.


The hourly weather can be set up and displayed on the VSPR.


The number of cars that went through the wash for each hour on the VSPR.  The car count only reflects base services sold in the Express, Full Service, In-bay, and Self-Service profit centers.

 Club Cars
This column provides a quick glance of how many of the total car count were actually returning club members.
% Club Cars
This column provides a quick glance of the percentage of the total car count that were actually returning club members.

Sales Performance Statistics


Total sales for the selected time frame.


Sales per car for the time frame.

Extra Sales

Total extra sales for the time frame.

Extra Sales per Car

Total Extra Sales for the selected time frame.

Cars Buying Extra Services

Number of vehicles purchasing extra services for the specified time frame.

% of Cars Buying Extra Services

Number of vehicles purchasing extra services for the specified time frame shown as a percentage of total vehicles (i.e., Cars).

Labor Performance Statistics

Required Man Hours

Number of man hours necessary to handle the cars per hour for the specified time frame.

Actual Man Hours

Total number of hours logged by all employees who were clocked in for the specified time frame.

Cars/Man Hour

Number of vehicles per man hour processed for the specified time frame.

Labor Cost

The sum of wages for each employee on the clock for the specified time frame.


The sum of wages for each employee on the clock divided by the number of cars sold.

% of Labor to Sales

Sum of total sales divided by sum of total labor costs shown as a percentage.




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