The RFID Statistics report displays information to the user regarding RFID transactions created by scanned RFID tags or by an RFID Admin Card. The RFID Statistics report can display the number of times a tag was read for a transaction, whether or not it meets the minimum read threshold to be a transaction, and which device was used when the transaction was created. The report can be filtered to only show multiple reads and it can also be filtered to only show entries that were created using an RFID Admin Card. Users can also select the Transaction ID for an entry and view the register transaction that was created.
NOTE: Contact ICS technical support for obtaining and setting up Admin Cards which can be used to manually enter RFID tags on the Auto Sentry units.
Each card can be assigned to a specific user and RFID tags that are manually entered via an Admin Card can be tracked in the system.
- In the Performance menu, click the RFID Statistics button.
- In the From Date and To Date boxes, select a date range.
- In Site box, select a site.
NOTE: At WashConnect logon, select Corporate to view multiple sites.
- In Device, select device.
- To search for a specific RFID tag, type a tag number into the RFID text box.
- Select the Show Multiple RFID Reads Only check box to filter multiple RFID reads only.
Select the Show Admin Swipes Only check box to filter Admin swipes only.
Select Show Admin Swipes Only box to filter Admin swipes only.
The RFID Statistics report appears for the selected Device and filters.