Prepaid Insufficient Funds at Auto Sentry

Funds can be added to a Prepaid Fleet Account at a POS, however, if the Prepaid Fleet Account does not have sufficient funds for the wash that the customer is purchasing at the Auto Sentry, the insufficient funds message will appear at the top of the screen. The Prepaid Fleet Customer will need to select the Buy Wash button, and purchase their own wash until funds are added to the Prepaid Fleet Account.

In the example below,  the Auto Sentry screen shows that the customer is attempting to purchase a $9.00 wash but there is not sufficient funds available on the account so the Insufficient Funds message appears on-screen. At the Auto Sentry, when the customer has insufficient funds, the only option the customer has is to purchase a wash by selecting the Buy Wash button. The customer should inform their fleet manager that funds should be added to their Prepaid Fleet Account.


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