Edit Schedule

To make changes to a schedule that has been assigned to a profile, follow these steps:

  1. On the Configuration menu, click Goods and Services, and then click the Profile tab.
  2. Select a profile in the list.

The schedule for that profile appears.

  1. Select a schedule, and then click Edit button in the Schedule area.

The Schedule dialog box appears.

  1. Make any changes to the fields, and then click the Save button.

The schedule is edited. 

To delete a Schedule, follow these steps:

  1. On the Configuration menu, click Profile.

The Profile tab appears.

  1. From the profile list, select a profile.

The schedule for that profile appears.

  1. Click to select the profile’s schedule.
  2. From the Schedule area, click the Delete button.

If you receive the "Confirm deletion" message, select Yes to confirm deletion.

  1. Click OK.

The schedule is deleted.



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