Auto Sentry Video Dimensions:
- Large - 989 x 649
- Small - 352- x288
- Club - 575 x 649
Auto Sentry Video Specs:
A video clip must be saved with a file name of 8 characters in the audio-video interleave (.avi) format and the following specifications:
- Codec: Microsoft® MPEG – 4 Video Codec V3
- Frame Rate: 29.97 (NTSC)
- Pixel Aspect Ratio: Square Pixels (1.0)
- Field Order: Lower Field First
Auto Sentry Audio:
- MP3 Codec: MPEG Layer – 3 (MPEG – 2 Layer 3)
- Sample Rate: 44100 (our manual says 22050 but we’ve been using 44100 and haven’t been having any problems)
- Channel: Mono
- Bit Depth: 32 kBits/s
- Bitrate: 128
Auto Sentry Custom Button Specs:
- Extra-large-1.55 in. x.767 in. / 465 pixels x 230 pixels
- Large-1.55 in. x .5 in. / 465 pixels x 150 pixels
- Medium-1.55 in. x .333 in. / 465 pixels x 100 pixels
- Small-1.55 in. x .27 in. / 465 pixels x 81 pixels
- All of these are 300 pixels per inch (All measurements are included)
Size of buttons depend on how many buttons:
1 or 2 buttons- Extra Large
3 buttons- Large
4 buttons- Medium
5 or 6 buttons- Small
Auto Sentry Button Naming Convention:
File names can only be 8 characters long and the last letter must be uppercase and must be either X, L, M or S to correspond with the size of the button (X-extra large, L- large, M-medium, S-small.) These buttons will need to be in bitmap (.bmp) format only.
Please include both English and Spanish versions of the buttons if the site offers Spanish currently or intends to in the future.
Wash Busy Videos
Wash Busy videos can now be a source of income. You can sell advertising space on your Auto Sentry to local businesses with an InBay Wash Busy video. The Auto Sentry can play more than one video in a consecutive loop for customers who are waiting while your wash is busy.