Hand Service Mgmt

NOTE: When the Hand Service option is enabled, Hand Service Mgmt appears in the StackNControl menu.

Hand Services Management tracks the progress of hand finished services (In Tunnel Stack, In Tunnel , In Hand Service Stack) providing an indication of the car's location within the process. The Hand Services tab is used to manage cars in the Hand Finished Services/Detail bays and monitor actual number of cars in the stack, the number of cars in the tunnel, the expected wait time required to enter the bays, and the time required to receive the purchased services at time of purchase.

Wait Timer

The Touch POS and the Auto Sentry informs customers about the calculated estimated service wait time to receive the purchased Hand Finished/Detail services with a wait timer.  The wait timer represents the time it takes to begin the service on the car. Labor data can be ignored or included when calculating the estimated service wait time for hand finished services.

The wait timer will be displayed in different colors depending on the status:

  • Green - Vehicle is in Tunnel Stack
  • Blue - Vehicle is in the Tunnel
  • Yellow - Vehicle is in Hand Service Stack
  • Red - Vehicle is past the expected wait time

Configure Automatic Price Change based on Supply and Demand
Pricing for hand finished services and detail profit center can change to help manage demand. Hand finished services pricing can be discounted based on estimated wait time or vehicles waiting for Hand Finished Services. No wait time provides the largest discount, and as the wait time builds, the pricing goes up until there are no discounted services offered. Configure maximum number of cars in the hand service bay to customize WashConnect to your wash.

Use of Multiple Wireless Scanners

With the use of multiple wireless scanners (with prefix codes), you can assign vehicles to different bays. Each individual scanner is tied to a different bay number.  By scanning the ticket, you are able to remove the vehicle from Hand Finished Service bay and then mark the car as finished.

Default and Custom Icons

Custom icons and display names are configured from Sales Items menu. Hand services displays custom service icons instead of the service text. If no custom graphics are located, a default icon will be used with the PLU number.  The typical path for this would be within the WashConnect folder so the path would be WashConnect\Resources\defaultHSIcon.png. Request an ICS professional graphic designer to create your custom Hand Finished Services graphics. 

Optional Cameras

Cameras may be setup to capture a photograph of the vehicle at the Auto Sentry, and attach it to the transaction so the image may be used in the Hand Finished Service Management.


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