Audit Controls

The Audit Controls menu in WashConnect consists of a series of reports and tools to assist sites in auditing the tickets and services that go through the wash.  In conjunction with reports such as the Shift Detail Report, sites can use reports such as the Wash to Register Comparison and Ticket Comparison to verify that the number of washes and services that were sold match the tunnel or In-bay wash activity for the day.  These Audit Controls can assist the site in determining potential theft at the wash and where there might be holes in the day to day operations which could lead to theft.

For example, when looking at the Wash to Register Comparison report a manager can determine the number of vehicles that went through the wash and the number that were marked as paid.  If there are more vehicles going through the wash than are being paid for, then it is time to investigate why this might be happening. Are there vehicles being sent through the wash by the attendant that are not paying?


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