Set up Auto Sentry Redemption of Wash Codes

Follow these steps to setup your Auto Sentry for 5-, 6-, or 9-digit Wash Code redemption:

  1. From System Setup menu, select Devices and then select Settings.

  1. In Device Type, select Auto Sentry.
  2. In Device Name, select the device Name.
  3. In Settings Type, select TouchConfiguration.
  4. In Settings, select Control.
  5. In Control5DigitWashCodeTimeout, type a value for how many seconds to wait before processing the Wash Code if the user stopped entering in numbers.

NOTE: This is the amount number of seconds the Auto Sentry will wait after the customer types in the first five numbers.  The Auto Sentry will wait an additional 10 seconds, as indicated in the image above, to give customer the opportunity to add a 6- or 9- digit code.

  1. Click the Save button.

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