
The Chemical menu provides the ability to gather and report chemical data to wash operators, and offers the means to understand and control the cost of washing a car.  Each Wash Solution can be entered in WashConnect and assigned to the Controller Services that use that Wash Solution.  WashConnect can track the number of vehicles that are washed in a given time period, and can monitor the use of the Wash Solutions that are applied to each vehicle at your wash. Vendor information can also be entered into the system, along with the cost of each Wash Solution that is used to determine the price per car for that specific Wash Solution. This information can be used by wash operators to reduce costs and ensure their price points are correct for the washes and extra services offered to the car wash customer.

The Wash Solution Setup menu is used to manage each Wash Solution that can be applied to vehicles in the wash.  New Wash Solutions can be added into the system as well as editing existing Wash Solutions that are already in the system.  Wash Solutions that are no longer used can be deleted from the system.  Users can also assign which controller services use each Wash Solution.


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