Unlimited and Limited Wash Clubs work like a membership to your local gym. You pay a set fee for a specific period of time to use the wash. One difference is that the vehicle is assigned to the membership instead of the customer. This is because the wash club is for a single vehicle instead of every vehicle the customer may own.
- Clubs may be set up to have a duration of 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, etc., to be determined by the wash. You may want to offer a monthly club, a quarterly club (3 months), a semi-annual club (6 months), and an annual club. This determines when the customer pays for the club. If they purchase a semi-annual club, they will pay for the 6 months and renew the club at 6 months.
- Clubs can be purchased with a credit card and then have a recurring ID stored to set up autobilling, or they can be purchased using cash.
- Clubs may be created to offer an unlimited number of washes, or may be set up to place restrictions on usage. The restriction options may be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual. Restrictions may use one or multiple selections to control the redemption rate of washes. The club member’s vehicle can receive as many washes as allowed through the club specified limits for that vehicle and it will be honored at all of your car wash locations, even if the prices vary from location to location.
- Club cards can be used. The club card does not need to be tied to only one car. The card can be a used as a shared club, where a customer can purchase a club that has 8 washes per month, for example, and then it doesn't matter who uses the club card to receive a wash. After they run out of their allotted washes, they would need to renew their shared club.
- Customers may join a wash club at the Auto Sentry terminal or Touch POS, selecting from the various wash club options that have been made available to them. This purchase will assign this club to a single vehicle. Examples of Club options may include $15 a month, $25 a month, or any other price point configured by the wash.
- Clubs may be purchased with cash or credit card. Club members paying with a credit card will create a recurring ID that can be used to automatically renew the membership by charging the monthly flat fee as the membership expires. This will continue automatically until the membership is terminated.
- After a club purchase, the customer receives an RFID tag, which contains a delicate electronic chip, that is adhered to the inside of the vehicle's windshield. This is automatically read through the RFID tag reader at the Auto Sentry or POS if desired. The RFID tag is tamper proof and inoperable if removed.
- Club Memberships are transferrable from one car to another in the event your customer replaces their vehicle. The customer must see an attendant to do this because it requires removing the window tag from the current vehicle and adhering a new tag in the replacement vehicle. Also, vehicle identification information must be exchanged in WashConnect®.
- Clubs can be suspended easily. Customer needs to see an attendant who will suspend the membership in WashConnect. This cannot be done at an Auto Sentry.
- When the Edit Club privilege is assigned, the user will be authorized to select a club when adding a new vehicle and changing the club of an existing club vehicle.
- Owners and managers can receive an email any time a change is made manually to a customer’s club membership through the Manage Customer tab.