Users Menu FAQs



Who should look at the Users menu?

The buttons in the Users menu are designed for someone who administers access privileges to the system. You can create user logon IDs, assign access privileges to those IDs, and then restrict the menu selections for each one.

What are user security roles?

A security role is a specific set of functions you create for a group in your organizational layout. For example, you might create the Mid Atlantic Controller role and the Mid Atlantic Manager role. One security role is for reporting and the other is for administration yet both apply only to the Mid Atlantic group in your organizational layout.

Why should I assign security roles to users?

After you create a role, you can assign users to that role. Multiple users can be assigned to a single security role. Once a security role is assigned to a user, his access to menu items and buttons is limited based on the settings in the role. For example, if you do not want the controller to have access to administrative buttons, you can make them unavailable to him.

Can users be prevented from seeing sensitive data?

With user group settings, you can filter sensitive data in another way. You can prevent users from logging on at a specific group in the organizational layout. For example, if you do not want your Mid-Atlantic controller to see data from the Tri-State region, you can prevent him from logging on there.


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