Delete a Security Role


  • You will only be able to access this menu if you are logged on to the Corporate level.
  • Only users who already have existing access to Security Roles can logon and manage other user roles. A user cannot assign a role above their level to another User; only roles at the same level or lower.  (The Admin role is used in this example.)

To delete a Security Role, follow these steps:

  1. At WashConnect logon, select Corporate.
  2. From the Users menu, click Security Roles.

The Security Roles tab appears.

  1. Select a role, and then click Delete button.

    A warning message “Are you sure you want to delete this role? This change is irreversible” appears.

  1. Click the Yes button.

  2. The message “Role deleted successfully” appears.

  3. Click OK.

    The role is deleted.

    NOTE: You cannot delete the Admin role. It is a default role assigned to the Corporate group.


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