After the customer purchases the Club, you will need to enter the customer’s information to complete the club setup.
- On the Touch POS menu, you need to be in an open shift to view the Touch POS Sales screen.
- Below the on-screen receipt, select the Search Customer button.

- Click the Add button.

Required: Type in customer’s First Name and Last Name. All other Customer Information is optional.
In the Search box, and type a customer name.
- Click to select a customer.
- Click the Edit Customer button.

The Customer History box appears and you can view the customer's history.
- Click the View Vehicle button.

- Double-click to select a vehicle.
Select the vehicle, and press the Edit Vehicle button.
You can view the Vehicle History.
- Click the Add Vehicle button.

- In the License box, type the customer's license plate.
The club can autobill with a valid license plate and credit card.
NOTE: The RFID tag is no longer a requirement for autobilling. Full-service sites who would like autobill with license plates, instead of RFID Tags, please contact Technical Support for initial set up.
- Click Done button.

- Click the Cancel button.