Touch POS Full-Service User Help

IMPORTANT: A basic understanding of WashConnect® is assumed. Users should understand your site's wash rules for renewing clubs, billing rules, and grace period that were set up for your car wash by our ICS technical support team. This is a quick start for Wash Clubs, Fleets, and other features performed at the Touch POS in WashConnect®. 


Since many full-service sites do not use RFID tags and readers for their club members, autobilling vehicles with valid license plate numbers and credit cards is now available. 


Purchase Club Membership for a 2nd Vehicle (Existing Customer) 

Purchase new club membership 1st Vehicle (full-service) 

Renew Club Membership 

Search for a Sales Transaction 

Add Customer Information 

Create a Presell Ticket 

Terminate or Suspend Vehicles but not Customer 

Terminate or Suspend Customer and All Vehicles 


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