- From the StackNControl menu, click Gate Management.
- Click to select the vehicle icon from the Gate that is no longer in the queue.
- Click the Remove button.
How does the StackControl decide when gates raise and when they don’t?
Gate management is meant to allow cars to go through the gates in an orderly fashion. When a car pulls through the gate, it drives over a small loop in the ground that usually is placed where all the lanes merge. It is commonly called the Merge Loop. From that point, the car is moved from the Gate Queue to the Stack. This tells the system to allow the next car to go through. The next car at the Auto Sentry will see the message “Please Wait, the Wash is Busy.” If the system never receives that signal, the next car will have to wait until a timeout (default of 60 seconds) is reached or the car enters the tunnel.
What can go wrong?
The most common problem is that a car somehow ‘misses’ the loop in the ground. Perhaps it is a lifted pickup truck that is too high off the ground or the car drives too far to the left or right.
Someone manually lifted the gate to let another car through and confused the system. If you override a gate, the system could miss or overlook the car that drove through and will need to be reset.
A customer may back out of line for some reason and need to be removed from the Stack.
A loop detector in the gate may need to be reset. (Unplug it and plug it back in.)
What do I do if the message "Please Wait Wash is Busy" appears?
Touch the Reset button on the Gate Management screen. This will send the next car.
A loop detector in the gate may need to be reset. (Unplug it and plug it back in.)
If the site is experiencing the problem frequently, ICS support can increase the sensitivity of the loops or reduce the timeout value.