There are three main steps to setup a Wash Book:
NOTE: Keep in mind, Wash Books are not physical books. Customers can use their receipts with Wash Book numbers printed on them, barcodes on the receipt to scan, or Wash Book cards.
Step #1: Setup Wash Book Sales Items.
Step #2: Set up a Wash Book Profile to sell Wash Books at your Auto Sentry.
Step #3: Set up a valid Schedule for the Profile, and then the Wash Book button will appear on the Main wash menu.
- Logon to WashConnect® at your Car Wash site level.
- First, setup Sales Items such as Base Wash for your Wash Books.
Next, setup a Profile:
- On the Configuration menu, click Goods and Services, and then click Profiles.
The Profiles tab appears.
- From the Profiles section, click the Add button.

The Profile dialog box appears.
- In the Profile box, type a name for the Wash Book profile.
- In the Device Type box, select devices type. i.e., Auto Sentry.
- In the Devices box, select one or more devices.
- Click the Add Base Service button.

The Base dialog box appears.
- In the Base dialog box, click to select between one and six Base Wash check boxes for the Wash Book, and then click OK.
The base washes are assigned to the new profile.
NOTE: Six Base Wash maximum for Auto Sentry Profiles.
- In the Service Type box, select Book from the list.
- Click the Add Wash Book Service button.

- Click to select the Wash Book Services.
Reorder Wash Book Selection:
- You can change the order of the Wash Book Offerings as they appear on the Auto Sentry by selecting the wash, and then click Move Down button or Move Up button.

Remove Service from Wash Book’s Profile:
- If necessary, select the Wash Service and then clicking the Remove Service button.

- Click OK.
- Click the Save button.

The message "Profile saved successfully" appears.
- Click OK.
Add Schedule:
- Click the Add button.

- In remaining fields, type any additional information available.
- In Applies To, select Book Sales.
- Click the OK button.

NOTE: Upon the Valid Schedule, the Buy Wash Book button is available on the Auto Sentry’s main menu. If customer is redeeming a wash book wash, a Welcome Video can present the instructions for the Wash Book customer to swipe the Wash Book Card (Customer Card).
- Enable Profile.
The Wash Book Profile will now appear for sale.
Redeem Wash Book at Auto Sentry