A la Carte Buttons

A la Carte extra services File names can be up to 13 characters long.

If using A la Carte extra services (being able to choose more than one upgrade on a screen), follow these steps:

  1. A duplicate button must be created with a check mark on the button to represent that the customer has selected this extra service.
  2. Optional: dimming is also available.
  3. When saving the file, the word, Check, must be added after the letter for the size (X, L, M, S) in the file name.

For example, if you have a $3 extra large Tire Shine upgrade, the file names would be $3TireX for the unchecked version and $3TireXCheck for the checked version.

OPTIONAL:  Variable Pricing

In addition to offering A la Carte extra services, there is the optional variable pricing mode which lowers the prices of the unselected upgrades with every extra service that the customer has selected. The same naming convention would be used as above for the checked and unchecked versions but you will change the price in the file name. For example if we have a large $3 Tire Shine upgrade that changes to $2 then $1. The Files names would be $3TireL and $3TireLCheck, $2TireL and $2TireLCheck, $1TireL and $1TireLCheck.

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