View Event History Log

To view event history, follow these steps:

  1. On the Monitoring System menu, click Event History.

The Event History tab appears.

  1. In the Site box, select a site.    
  2. In the Event Code box, type a code if searching for a specific code.
  3. In the Device box, select a device if desired or select –All Devices—to see all devices.
  4. In the Component box, select a component if desired or select –Show All—to see all devices.
  5. In the Start Date and End Date boxes, select a date range.

Optional: Select the Include cleared events box to see cleared events.

  1. Click the Search History button.

The Event History record list appears.

  1. In the Description column, click on the Show Detail...

A pop-up window displays the Event History information.

  1. In the Code column, click the code link.

The ICS Event Code web page appears with additional Event History information, and possible troubleshooting suggestions.


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