Club Discount Wash PLU

This is Step #2 in order to set up a Wash Club Offering.

Set up a Discount PLU for the Club Wash, follow these steps:

For every base wash PLU, a discounted (or free) wash PLU is needed. The discounted PLU for the club gets added to the Wash Club Package. Since the Club Membership redeems a base wash (club services PLU), you will need to set up a discount for the base wash as a Discount PLU. In step #3, you will select this Discount (or free club wash) PLU to offset the charges against the base wash in a package. This is because the customer already paid for the wash in the price of the wash club. All this allows you to track the redemption of the club wash while not charging the customer again. The Discount PLU for the Club Wash assists in documenting for accounting purposes.

  1. Log on to WashConnect at local site.
  2. Select Configuration > Goods and Services > Sales Items.
  3. In the Profit Center box, select Club.

  1. Click the Add button.
  2. In the PLU box, type a number.
  3. In the Price box, type a negative amount.  This is typically the club's base wash amount as a negative number.
  4. In the Name box, type a name. Ex: Basic Wash Discount
  5. In the Type box, select Discount.
  6. Click the Save button.


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