Import the Chart of Accounts to the WashConnect system so that sales and expense items can be quickly posted into the accounting package. You can define which account to post a particular sales or expense item. Quickbooks®, Peachtree®, MAS-90®, Alere®, and ProfData® are different accounting package interfaces which allow for the importing of a pre-existing Chart of Accounts.
To import company’s accounts, follow these steps:
- Log on to WashConnect® at Corporate.
- On the Configuration menu, select Accounting Interface, and then select Import Accounts.
The Import Accounts tab appears.

- In the Accounting Type box, select the appropriate type based on your accounting package.
- In the Accounts File box, click the browse button and then select a tab separated accounts file. This file will need to be exported from your accounting package prior to doing this.
Example default location: c:\ProgramFiles\Sage\PeachTree\Company
The company’s accounts information is imported.
Once the chart of accounts has been imported, identify which accounts the Account for the ReWash and Free Wash, Sales Tax, and even over/short dollars for the day.
Example: Management may want all of the Free Washes or ReWashes to go into a discount account or they may go against a sales account. It will depend on how the Chart of Accounts is setup in the accounting package.