Search for an Event Code

To search for a specific event code, follow these steps:

  1. On the Monitoring System menu, and click Event History.

The Event History tab appears.

  1. In the Site box, select a site.
  2. In the Event Code box, type in the event code number.
    Optional: Select parameters in any of the other fields.
  3. Click the Search History button.

The Events History record list appears for the event code and any additional parameters.

  1. In the Code column, click on the Event Code link, and be directed to the ICS website Event Code directory.

This data helps to determine the failure rate of any single component. For example, at a bill dispenser, the system tracks how many bills were dispensed and counts each one as either a successful, impaired or failed attempt. If the device dispensed 6,000 bills, you can see how many were successful. The errors are segregated into system errors, user errors and informational alerts.

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