Wash Book Offering - Add Base Wash Sales Item

NOTE: An Auto Sentry can dispense only one type of card: either Gift Cards or Customer Cards (Wash Book), not both at the same time.

After receiving the custom customer magnetic-stripe cards with eleven digits preceded with a percentage % sign, contact technical support to have them set up Wash Book Cards in WashConnect®.

  1. At WashConnect logon, select Corporate.
  2. From the Configuration menu, select Goods and Services and then select Sales Items.
  3. If your base washes are set up at Corporate, you may skip this section and go to Add Wash Book.
  4. In the Profit Center box, select the Profit Center for the base wash. For example, Express.
  5. In the PLU box, type a base wash PLU number.
  6. In the Price box, type a price of the base wash.
  7. In the remaining fields, type any additional information available.

  8. Click the Save button.

NOTE: You cannot add a controller service from Corporate, so you will have to log in WashConnect at the site level and then add the controller service to the PLU.

  1. Log on to WashConnect at the site level.
  2. From the Configuration menu, select Goods and Services and then select Sales Items.
  3. Search for base wash PLU that you created at the corporate level in steps 1-8.
  4. In the Assign Controller Services section, select the base wash services.
  5. Click the Save button.

You can now set up a Wash Book with the Sales Item.

Sales Items

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