For each Fleet Account, assign its redemption Rules. These Rules are called by name. You can use the same rule for many Fleet Accounts.
NOTE: You can assign fleet members to separate departments with the department's own fleet rules instead of inheriting the fleet account rules. If no department is defined, then the fleet account rules apply.
- From the Fleet menu, click Rules.
The Rules tab appears.
- Click the Add button.

- In the Name box, type a name for the Rules of the Fleet Program.
- In the Fleet column, set redemption Rules for the given Fleet Program.
NOTE: In setting up the rules for an unlimited club, use all zeros to allow club customers to use the wash as many times as they like. Be aware, if the Wash Per Day value is set to zero, this means customer may also use the wash multiple times per day. The ascending order guideline is not required by the software. Any combination of positive integer values and zeros is valid, whether they are in ascending order or not.
- Click the Save button.

Fleet Accounts