Add Stock Item

NOTE: In WashConnect, you can only view stock items from Corporate logon. From the local logon, you can add and modify stock items.        

  1. At the WashConnect logon screen, select the local site, not Corporate.
    From the local site, you can add a Stock Item.
  2. Select Inventory > Stock Items > Item.
  3. Click the Add button.
    The Item tab appears.

    NOTE: The following fields marked with an asterisk * are required to save the item.

  1. In the *PLU box, type a PLU Sales Item number.
  2. In the *Description box, type a description for the PLU.

NOTE:  You can create duplicate PLUs for the purposes of inventorying multiple varieties of the same items such as various scents of air fresheners.

  1. In the *Price box, type in a price for the Inventory Sales Item.
  2. In the *Group box, select a Group from the list.
  3. In the *Type box, select a Type from the list.
  4. In the remaining fields, type any additional information available.
  5. Fill out these fields as needed for your business operations:
    • Barcode: Scan the bardcode of the item to enter its number here
    • On Hand: The quantity of the inventory that is currently on-site.
    • Lead Time: The amount of days it typically takes to receive the order after an order is placed.
    • Maximum Level: This is the maximum amount you typically order and is set to prevent accidental entries.
    • Reorder Point: The lowest limit you want the quantity to reach before prompting to reorder.
    • Unit of Measure: Choose between Gallon, Liter, Ounce, Case or Each, depending on the product.

  6. From the Assigned Vendors section, select Add Vendor button.



  1. Search and select a Vendor, then click OK.

    1. In the Vendor Part box, type the part number.
    2. In the Qty box, type the quantity typically ordered.
    3. In the Cost box, type the cost your business pays.
    4. In the Preferred checkbox, click to select if this is the preferred Vendor for this item.
    5. Any additional information added will benefit the Purchase Order and Inventory Reports.
    6. Click the Save button.

    NOTE: The Vendor list is populated at Corporate.

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