Autobilling may have failed or you may want to give customers another chance to bill their credit card. From the Declined Payment interactive report, you can select the customers and mark them all to bill overnight.
NOTE: This report is available if logged on to Corporate or the auto billing site.
- From the WashConnect® logon screen, select Corporate or the autobilling site, and the click the Log On button.

- On the Clubs menu, click Reports, and then click Declined Payment.
- If necessary, Edit a Customer in the Declined Payment Report.
- On the Declinded Payment report, in the All column, you can select the All box to select all customers on this report or select the boxes from this column to mark the individual customers to bill. They will then be billed in the next auto billing cycle. Typically overnight.
- Click the Mark Bill button.

- If you receive the "Are you sure you want to mark selected membership(s) to Bill" message, click Yes.
The customer will be removed from the Declined Report and be marked as Bill. The club membership will renew and bill overnight.
NOTE: Contact ICS Technical Support at 800-246-3469 to set up autobilling for declined credit cards.