After the first step of Convert Currency is complete (See Convert Currency). This is the second step in the Currency Conversion process is verifying the money that is brought back from the Bank. Completing this two step process will ensure the money is tracked in the system to prevent errors in money handling.
To bring back exchanged money from the Bank and add the Bills and/or Coins to the Safe, perform the following:
(Ex: Return from the bank with 10 - $20 bills and add them to the Safe.)
Log on to WashConnect at the local level.
NOTE: Safe actions can only be used when logged into the local level.
- On the Financial menu, click Cash Management, and then click the Journals button.
The Journals tab appears.
- In the Start Date and End Date box, select a date range.
- In the Device box, select Safe.
- In the Show Journals box, select Unverified.
- Click the Search button to locate the journal entry.
Click to select the original Convert Currency journal entry for the money that was previously taken to the bank.
The Convert Currency journal entry is selected.
- Click the Verify button.
The Convert dialog section appears.
- In the Convert from Bank New Qty. column, type in the amounts for the denominations that were brought back from the bank.
- Click the Save button.
The journal entry is marked as verified and the difference is shown as $0.00.
The Convert Currency is now complete and the currency is now available to be used in other devices at the site.
The following image is shows the Journal entry after the Convert Currency step #2 is completed.