Straight commission values need to be entered in the desired PLU in the Sales Item(s) before they can be added to the position. PLU commissions can be assigned in the Sales Item as an amount or percentage.
πNOTE: If nothing is in the commission box in the PLU, then you will not be able to add it to
the position.
Overview of Setting up a Straight Commission
Provide incentive for one or many of your positions to perform to their best ability.
The following must be completed in order for Straight Commissions to be paid:
- Sales Item: Setting the Straight Commission Value
- Club Service: Setting the Straight Commission Value
- Setup a Position to pay Straight Commission
- Assigning a Position to a User
- Sell and Redeem Commissions
- Commission Related Reports
TIP: Commission is tracked based on the POS entry at the time of sale. For example, whoever is logged on as Greeter at the time of purchase will receive the greeter commission credit for the sale.
$$$: Sales Commission is designed to provide incentive for the individual positions that are assigned to the User or employee. You cannot award commission to an individual or group based on sales made by
multiple greeters.
Sales Item: Setting the Straight Commission Value
- Log in to WashConnect at the site where the sales item was initially created.
- On the Configuration menu, select Goods and Services, and then click to select the Sales Items.
- Scroll to locate the Sales Item, and then click to select it.
- From the Tools panel, click on the Edit Sales Item button.

- Scroll down to view the Commission section.
πNOTE: The Amount or percentage will be what the greeter who is logged in gets accredited for when an item is sold.

i.e., Basic Wash $15 and Commission is $1 then every Sale of Basic by the Greeter will get
accredited $1 in commission reports.
- From the Commission Greeter panel, select Amount, or a Percentage of the sales price that
the greeter would receive from the sale of this item.
πNOTE: The percentage of the sales price is calculated before any discounts or coupons are
- Click the Save button.
The commission is saved.
Club Service: Setting the Straight Commission Value
This is an optional step if wanting to offer straight commissions on the sale of a Club. To set a
Commission value in a Club Service, perform these steps:
- Log in to WashConnect from the corporate level.
- Select Configuration > Goods and Services > Club Services.
- Locate and click to select the Club Service.

- From the Tools panel, click the Edit Club Service button.
- Scroll down to view the Commission section:
πNOTE: The flat Amount or Percentage of the sales will be what the greeter gets credited
for when an item is sold. i.e., Basic Wash $15 and the commission is $1, then every Sale of a Basic Wash Club by the Greeter will get credited $1 in the commission reports.
- In the Commission Greeter panel, select one of the following:
- Click to select Amount, and then type in a specific numeric amount or a flat amount the greeter would receive on the sale of this item.
- Click to select Percentage, and type in a numeric percentage of the sale of this item that the greeter would receive.
πNOTE: The percentage of the sales price is calculated before any discounts or coupons are applied.
- Click the Save button.
The Club Commission is saved.
Create a Straight Commission Position
You can setup straight commission for a position.
- On the Configuration menu, select Commissions, and then select Positions.
- Click the Add button.
- In the Name box, type a name for the Position.
- Under Straight Commissions, click the Add Entry button, and then enter the PLU number of a Sale
Item or Club Service with Commission assigned in the PLU. Keep using
- Use Add Entry until all of the PLUs that provide commission are entered under Straight Commissions.
πNOTE: If there is an error, then the PLU Commission box will have no entry. Also, Clubs and Washbooks and other Sales Items can have a commission applied if the Commission box is filled in.
- Click the Save button.
Assigning a Position to a User
To assign this newly created position, follow these steps.
- Open WashConnect.
- On the Users menu, navigate to Manage Users.
- Locate and click on the desired User.
- Click the Edit button.
- Click the Wages ($) button.
- In the Wage column, assign a wage to the row with the desired Profit Center.
- In the Commission Position column, click to select the Position text link.
The Commission Positions dialog box appears.
- For Local: Select the name of the Commission Position.
For Corporate: Select the Site sub dropdown, and then select the Commission.
πNOTE: Only one Position per profit center but User can change Position by clocking into a
different Position.
User must clock in WashConnect to Redeem Commissions:
To be eligible for the straight commissions, the employee must clock in to the profit center where
the commission position was created and also be logged in as a Greeter in an Open Shift. Follow
these steps:
- Open WashConnect at the Site level.
- On the Time Clock menu, navigate to Clock In/Clock Out.
- The Employee must clock in to the profit center that the commission position is assigned to for
this employee.
- On the Touch POS menu, navigate to Open Shift.
- The employee must log in as the greeter.
The employee will only receive commission from a completed sales transaction while logged in as a User in WashConnect that has been setup to receive straight commissions.
πNOTE: If the Greeter is not clocked in at the time of Sale but is the assigned Greeter in the Open Shift, then the Sales Item will show on the report but the Position will be blank and will not add Money to the commissions total.
Commission Related Reports:
Important Notes to Redeem Commissions:
- An Auto Sentry cannot assign commissions.
- A Commission Position must be assigned to a User in Manage Users.
- Must have Greeter name under Greeter on Touch POS or Touch Presell.
- Greeter must be clocked in.