Country & States

The Country & States menu is only available at corporate (Corporate Only).

Created a menu named Country & States to be used to update WashConnect to manage a list of countries and their associated states that may be used when configuring customers through the Manage Customers tab which was modified to add a Country reference field. The Manage Customer tab allows the assignment of a country from a dropdown list. Internally when a country is added, if we can make the Web Call we will load all of the associated states for that country. If we cannot make the web call we have the ability to build the state  database by entering them as we go and having them save and appear in a State dropdown. As the country is added, so is the ability to validate the zip code based on selected country. Added USA, Belgium, Australia, Germany, France, Canada, Netherlands, and United Kingdom in country list.

  • A new country can be added to the available countries for the site from the predefined list of countries by selecting the desired country and clicking the Save button. Currently, the country must already be within our database for it to appear in the list.
  • All the added countries will appear in the list for the Manage Customer page under the Country section of the Customer tab.
  • Internally when saving a new country, it will be added with the country name, culture, country code, zip code format and also should attempt to add all the states for that country.
  • Only the name of the country and state can be edited from the Country & States manage page.
  • For a new existing country that does not have a full list of states, it will keep building a list by accepting manual entries and making each entry available in the list.
  • If the country and state tables are not populated, it will get populated when the Manage Customer form is run for the first time at corporate. It will automatically default to one country which will be determined by the culture defined from the Site Currency Type selected.

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