NOTE: Only one type of card can be dispensed from an Auto Sentry either Wash Book Cards or Gift Cards. You cannot dispense both Wash Book Cards and Gift Cards in an Auto Sentry.
- When a customer pulls up to the Auto Sentry, the Wash Book button can be presented if you are selling wash books at the Auto Sentry.
- Select the Buy Wash Book button.

- From the Wash Book options, select a wash book package.
- At the time of Wash Book purchase, a Customer is instructed to swipe the Wash Book Card to load and activate.
At this time, the amount of base services (PLU) purchased is now attached to the Wash Book Card in the system. Card is now active at all sites.
- Transaction receipt will print with the remaining balance of the base services available on the Wash Book.
Depending on your settings, you can email the receipt with the wash book barcode number
The magnetic stripe card is dispensed for the Wash Book, if a dispenser is installed in the Auto Sentry.
After purchasing a Wash Book, a Thank You video will automatically play and then close after the video ends, or when the customer selects the OK button during the video to stop playing, it will stop and close.