Edit Vehicle Information

To edit a customer’s vehicle information, follow these steps:

  1. On the Customers menu, select Manage Customers.
  2. In the In Field box, you can search for a customer by category:
  • Account ID
  • Barcode
  • Credit Card
  • Customer
  • Customer Number
  • Email
  • Fleet Invoice
  • Fleet Prepaid
  • License
  • Phone
  • RFID
  • VIN
  1. Depending on the In Field selection, type the search criteria in the Search box.
  2. Select the View button.
  1. From the Customer List results, click to select the customer record.

The member’s information is highlighted.

  1. Click the Edit Vehicle button.

The Vehicle dialog box appears.

  1. Make any necessary edits to the the customer’s vehicle information.

NOTE: If the RFID Tag number is preceded by the tilde (~), then this is a transaction number generated by WashConnect®. The tilde is an alert that the club member is incomplete. The club member will not autobill until the transaction number has a valid RFID tag number. An employee needs to manually enter an RFID tag number to complete this step for autobilling.

  1. Click OK.
  1. If you receive the "Vehicle saved successfully" message, click OK.

The Customers list appears.

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