Protect against fraud and view the audit trail log of all editing that has occurred in the system. WashConnect tracks whenever abnormal activities happen at your wash. In this report, you can view the activity logs of who performed it, the site where it was modified, and the audit type including a date and time stamp in chronological order. You can sort the columns to locate the edits you are interested in.
Sort by Audit Type to view all logs for modifications to any Time Clock Edit. If there are Time Clock Audits, verify they are legitimate. Locating unauthorized audits can prevent theft as someone could cheat by editing the time clock punches.
Reviewing the Audit Log for a specified date and type will allow operators to see any unauthorized editing which may have occurred.
To view an audit trail log, follow these steps:
- On the Financial menu, click Audit Controls, and then click Audit Trail.
The Audit Trail tab appears.
- In the Start Date and End Date boxes, select a date range.
- In the Audit Log Type box, select all or select individual Audit Log Types:
- Customer Changed
- Club Membership Changed
- Fleet Membership Changed
- Customer Group Membership Changed
- Login Override
- Time Clock Entry
- Time Clock Edit
- Click the View Audit Log button.

The Audit Log Activity appears.
- You can sort the Audit Log Activity columns in ascending or descending order by clicking on the underlined heading. To reverse the order of that same column, you can click on the available arrow button.

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