Add Bonus Points Specific to PLU

NOTE: Bonus Points Specific to PLU customer tracking system is only applicable for available with Express, Inbay Auto and Full Service profit centers.

The Bonus Point program awards points for the purchase of items as well as allows you to redeem free services or items with the bonus points. This can be configured in Promotions.

  1. At WashConnect logon, select Corporate.
  2. Select the Configuration > Goods and Services > Sales Items.
  3. Search, edit, or add a new Sales Item.
  4. From the Bonus Points section, in Points Awarded, type the amount of bonus points to award customer if customer purchases this Sales Item at a Touch POS only.
  5. From Bonus Points section, in Points To Redeem, type the amount of bonus points to redeem if customer has been awarded enough points to Redeem this Sales Item for Free at a Touch POS only.

NOTE: Promotion Bonus Point supercedes the PLU specific Points Awarded and Point to Redeem.

  1. Click the Save button.

The bonus points will now be awarded every time customers purchase the service. The customer may also redeem them if they have enough points. The Available Promotions screen will appear for the cashier to view the eligible points.

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