You can remove money from the on-site safe and add it to another source besides your corporate bank account.
To make a Remove to Other Source, perform the following steps:
- Log on to WashConnect at the local level.
NOTE: Safe actions can only be used when logged into the local level.
- On the Financial menu, click Cash Management, and then click Journals.
The Journals tab appears.
- Click to select the Remove to other Source button.

The Currency Detail section appears for this Safe Action.
- In the Currency Detail Qty. column, type in the quantities of the individual denominations that will be removed from the on-site Safe and deposited to another source other than the Bank.

- Click the Save button.

A journal entry is created which shows the denominations that were removed and deposited to another source other than the Bank. This journal entry is marked as unverified and will need to be verified to ensure the currency is accounted for correctly.
- Next, Verify (Remove to Other Source)