Frequency Promotions

Polish Tunnel Frequency Promotion:

Polish Base services may now be used as the service to purchase or the service rewarded in defining Frequency Promotions.

NOTE: The receipt generated for promotions involving Polish Base service MUST clearly state that these promotions are strictly redeemable at a Polish Tunnel. If a customer attempts to redeem the wash code at a wash tunnel, then they will receive an error message stating “No Base Wash Service.”

Auto Sentry Frequency Promotion:

Set up a Frequency Promotion offer for your Auto Sentry or Touch POS customers. This includes special promotional pricing on various services and products at the Auto Sentry when the customer returns and purchases within a specified number of days. When setting up the PLU, be certain to select the valid Profit Center for each promotional service, or product. The system automatically tracks the discounts for promotions sold in the wash Profit Center.

From the Frequency Promotion menu, you will need to complete both of the submenu items:

There is another way to set up Frequency Promotions but they are not automatically tracked in the system, see Cascade Pricing Promotions.



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