When a vehicle has been removed from the Stack queue and placed into Pending queue, it can be moved back to the Stack following these steps:
- From the StackNControl menu, select the Stack Management button.
- Touch the pending vehicle icon in the Pending queue.
- Then touch the Move to Stack button.

The vehicle will be moved from Pending to Stack.
- Touch the Move Front or Move Back to place the vehicle in the proper position in the Stack.
Stack Color Key
Green – Sale is complete and on Stack waiting to enter the tunnel.
Brown – Vehicle is loaded into the Controller and is next to enter tunnel.
Orange – Vehicle is actively being measured by the photo eyes.
Blue – Vehicle entered the tunnel and is now being washed.
Maroon – Vehicle is in Edit mode on a Point of Sale and cannot be entered into the tunnel.
Purple – Pay Attendant was selected at the Auto Sentry. MUST be edited before allowed into the tunnel.
Red – Unloaded Vehicle. No wash service assigned. Was given the unloaded wash.