Club Email Alerts

Club Alerts can be sent in real-time via your web-enabled devices in an email alert message.

Follow these steps to set up the Club Alert emails:

  1. On the Configuration menu, click Alerts.

    The Alerts tab appears.
  3. In the User box, select a user from the list.

NOTE: See Add a User if the User does not appear in the list.

  1. In the Recipient Email box, type an email address to receive alerts.
  2. In the Confirm Email box, type in the recipient email address again to confirm.
  3. In the Component Type box, select one or more components or All.
  4. Click an event type button: Critical, Warning, Informational, or Timed.    
  5. From the list of event groups, click to make a selection or click again to clear the box.
  6. Click the expand node to show the Event Group List.
  7. Click to select one or more Alert codes that correspond to the email the User would like to receive. (see the below chart for the Club Email Alert Codes)
  8. Repeat the previous steps #7-10 to work through each event type.
  9. Click the Save button.
    The alert settings are saved.

NOTE: This service suppresses duplicate event code messages if the same event occurs within 15 minutes of its last sent alert message.


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