Retail Profile

The Retail Profile is the profile for your main menu exterior wash offerings on your Auto Sentry and POS.

NOTE: An additional Flex menu, Flex Profile, can be engaged if you also have full-service wash offerings with extra services.

To set up the Retail Profile for all exterior Wash Offerings and Extra Services, follow these steps:       

  1. On the Configuration menu, select Goods and Services, and then select Sales Items.
  2. Create up to six Base Wash Sales Items PLUs.
  3. Create up to six Extra Service Items PLUs per Base Wash.
  4. On the Configuration menu, select Goods and Services, and then Profiles.
  5. Click the Add button.
  6. In the Profile box, type a name for the Profile.
  7. In the Device Type box, click to select the one or more devices.
  8. In the Devices box, click to select the device from the list.
  9. In the Service Type box, click to select Wash Service.

  1. In the Services tools, click to select the Add Base Service button.
  2. Click to select one or more of the Base Wash Sales Items from step #2.


  1.  Click the OK button.

To add Extra Services offerings to a Base Wash, follow these steps #13-18 for each Base Wash Service:

  1. Click to select the Wash Service.
  2. Click the Add Extra Service button.

  1. In the Extra dialog box, click to select one or more Extra Services to offer the customer for the base wash selected.
  2. Click the OK button.
  3. Repeat steps 12-15 until for each Base Wash Service as necessary.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. Click the OK button.

The message "Profile saved successfully" appears.

Next, setup a Schedule for the Retail Profile:

  1. Click to select a Profile.
  2. In the Schedule toolbox, click the Add button.

  1. In the Day box, select the days of the week to validate the Retail Profile.
  2. In the Start Date box, select the date you want to begin using the Retail Profile.
  3. In the End Date box, leave blank if you always want to use the Retail Profile.
  4. In the Start Time box, leave 12:00am if you want this to profile to always be available.
  5. In the Vehicle box, select Normal.
  6. In the Applies To box, select Retail from the list.

To add multiple schedules, click the Add button and set up another schedule.
NOTE: Rule for overlapping time period Schedules: the most recent start date takes priority.

  1. Click the OK button.
  1. If you receive the "Schedule saved successfully" message, click the OK button.

NOTE: If the Profile is enabled, it is immediately live for customers to see.

  1. If the profile is disabled, click to select the Profile.
  2. Click the Enable button.

NOTE: If controller services are not set up for the individual sales items saved in the Profile, the following message will appear:


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