Punch Card

Punch Card Promotions, tracked electronically through Wash Connect at the Touch POS only, were designed to take the place of paper cards which reward the customer with a free wash after a set number of purchased washes. Punch Card promotions increase sales, and promote customer loyalty for Express, In-Bay Auto, and Full Service Profit Centers.

The unique part of the ICS system is that you can set a minimum required dollar amount for purchases to be eligible for a "punch". You can also set the number of punches required to redeem an amount off the next purchase (percentage or dollar amount) at the Touch POS only.  All these settings and configuration of the Punch Card promotion can be set up from the Promotions tab.

On the bottom of the customer's receipt, the list of punch card promotions available will print. If there are no promotions available, the punch card title will be suppressed.

NOTE: There is no physical punch card. The punch card promotion is an electronic tracking system that promotes frequency of visits. When the customer is purchasing wash services or sales items at the Touch POS, the system automatically suggests the available promotional offers for the customer before the sale is final.

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