View the Fund Raiser Report

The Fund Raiser report displays the amount of washes purchased with the fund raiser wash code and the amount of money collected for the washes sold during the selected time period. This report makes it easy to determine the total amount to send to the charitable organization associated with that wash code.

To view the Fund Raiser register report, follow these steps: 

  1. On the Financial menu, select Register Reports, and then click Fund Raiser.

  1. In the From Date and To Date boxes, select or type a date range.
  2. In the Site box, select a site, multiple sites, or All sites.
  3. In the Fund Raiser box, select a Fund Raiser from the list.

NOTE: If the profit center named Fund Raiser doesn't appear in your list, then you can add a Profit Center from Manage Profit Centers.

  1. Click the View Report button.  

The report will display all fund raisers sold within the report date range and break them down by quantity, purchase date, and site location.  It will provide total donation per transaction and per fund raiser, as well as totals and grand totals for all fund raisers on the report.



  1.  From the Fund Raiser report toolbar, you can Search, Print, or Export the report.

Report Toolbar




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