About the Performance Gauge Report

At the end of the day after you have managed the labor for each profit center, you can view the Performance Gauge report. It is like your ultimate report card, and shows you in real dollars how you did managing labor for the day.

Your labor burden per man hour appears in the report. You can see the actual labor cost vs. what was budgeted. The resulting variance appears in total labor dollars for each hour and for the day.

This report is vital since some managers may not understand the total financial impact of the labor decisions they make. A small change in labor statistics can equate to hundreds of dollars per day in labor costs.

Altogether, the system helps customers receive the consistent speed of service and quality you intend, at the costs you have budgeted.

The Performance Gauge screen is only as good as your targets. The Sales Per Car and Labor Burden amounts are the key drivers of this screen. Try changing them, and then re-run the report to see how it affects your numbers. You can also change the date range to view the Performance Gauge for a month, a quarter or the whole year to date. All the numbers for the date range you select are broken down to a single representative workday.

Adjusting your targets and reviewing the numbers like this can quickly show you whether your facility is overstaffed or understaffed during peak hours, and whether your employees are exceeding their sales performance targets, or costing you money.

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